초 록
Probability exists everywhere in the world around us and plays an incredibly important role in our everyday lives. From a simple coin toss to the billion dollar casino industry, probability is essential across many fields, professions, and even recreationally. Mastering the concept of probability can be extremely beneficial, so an Automatic Card Dealer was created as a tool to help illustrate, teach, and practice probability. In the design, a joystick and LCD screen are used to simplify the card selection process and two motors are used for dealing the cards. Once the team finalised the design for the system, a frame was constructed and built and individual electrical subsystems were tested. After these subsystems were programmed and tested to ensure functionality, they were combined and tested as a single system. During the development of the project several issues were encountered with the LCD, stepper motor, and joy stick. Through both hardware and software debugging, several iterations of our subsystems and full system were created in order to achieve a functional final product. This final product provides a fun, yet educational way to introduce any age to the world of probability.
Keywords: Automation, Debugging, Education, Probability